Building a Stronger Democracy, One State at a Time

CivxNow is a force multiplier for K–12 civic education policy with active State Policy Task Force members in 41 states. We provide local advocates and coalitions with the tools necessary to champion evidence-based policies.

From Vision to Action

Founded with the goal of driving lasting policy changes, CivxNow’s State Policy Task Force is an essential resource for grassroots advocacy. We support this movement by:

  • Providing current, state-specific research;
  • Fostering collaboration among advocates across state lines;
  • Offering access to vital resources and expertise for effective policymaking; and
  • Convening state partners for timely technical assistance.

Investing in the Future

Since its inception in 2018, thanks to the longstanding support of the Carnegie Corporation, the CivxNow Coalition has flourished. Carnegie’s early and continuous investments made possible the nationwide impact detailed in their report, “Connecting Civic Education and a Healthy Democracy,” released last month.

In addition to underwriting the work of the CivxNow Policy team, Carnegie’s support enables annual regrants for state coalition initiatives totaling $275,000 in 15 geographic and politically diverse states. Our goal? Substantial policy advancements in civic education.

Success Stories

CivxNow’s approach, as detailed in the Carnegie report, is demonstrably effective. Carnegie Democracy Program Officer Andrew Geraghty wrote, “There is no one-size-fits-all approach to civic learning, and states are truly laboratories of change. Conservative, progressive, urban, rural, and otherwise diverse states have taken varied policy approaches to bolster civic learning, and they are all helping us move toward a common goal: a stronger democracy.”

Since 2021, 23 states enacted more than 30 measures to strengthen K–12 civic education, including:

  • New Hampshire: A bipartisan 2023 law mandates a semester of civics for middle schoolers and dedicated instructional time in elementary schools.
  • Minnesota: A civics course became mandatory for high school juniors and seniors as part of the 2023 education package.
  • Massachusetts: The state’s nation-leading annual investment in civic education increased to $2.5 million for Fiscal Year 2024.
  • Other course mandates: Middle school civics course requirements were adopted in Indiana and New Jersey, while high school requirements were established in Montana, Oregon, and Rhode Island.
  • Resourcing and community commitments: Utah funded pilot experiential civic learning programs in districts, and Georgia created a permanent civic education commission.

Building a Brighter Future

CivxNow recognizes the importance of patience and persistence in policy advocacy. We leverage strategic state partnerships to accelerate impactful change. This spring, we’re tracking 141 civic education-related bills in 35 states, 100 aligned with the CivxNow State Policy Menu.

We heed Carnegie’s call for “…state policies and investments (to) ensure high-quality civic education for all students in the United States.” These policies will “equip young people with the tools to think critically, to engage in constructive debate, and to discover their agency is critical to reducing polarization and strengthening American democracy.”