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Advancing policy at the national level to make civic education a priority for the health and strength of the United States

Advancing policy at the state level to ensure each and every student is afforded a high-quality civic education, no matter where they live

The impact we make together

Students who receive a comprehensive and high-quality civic education are more likely to be informed and engaged citizens and voters.

CivxNow is leading a movement with 350+ national partners in 40+ states

Purple flag icon waving on blue background

With 350+ partners, CivxNow is the nation’s largest cross-partisan coalition working to prioritize civic education in the United States.

Following is just a small sampling of the many different types of organizations dedicated to this work.

Advancing civic education policy to ensure that every young person acquires the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for informed civic participation

forward movement graphic
building with pillars icon

Generously funded by

“The practice of democracy is not passed down through the gene pool. It must be taught and learned by each new generation.”

Sandra Day O’Connor

iCivics Founder and Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice

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Success Stories

Illustrating the impact we make, lorem ipsum sitamet consecttuer adipsc

“Once young people get a proper civic education—once they sit down and make sense of how our government works, and why these systems are in place—they get a better sense of democracy as a system to uphold.”

Student/Youth Fellow

More than ever, students need to know how to find a reliable resource, and how to sift through fake news and AI-generated content to find what is true... I appreciate that iCivics resources do just that.

Adult Education Instructor

The iCivics Educator Network not only helped me develop best practices for teaching civics and government, but has allowed me to collaborate with educators from across the country.

High School Social Studies Teacher

Learn About Our Strategic Vision

Students interacting with computer game showing electoral map
Innovate Education

We empower educators with resources that build the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for informed civic participation.

Capitol building
Inform Policy

We advance policy at the state and national levels to make civic education a priority for the health and strength of our nation.

in the midst of students raising hands
Inspire Engagement

We invite and engage a diverse network of learners and leaders in the movement for high-quality civic education.

students walking out of school doors
Illustrate Impact

We evaluate and share evidence-based findings that demonstrate the value and impact of civic education for our country’s future.