Impact & Innovation

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Civic Outcomes in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
All Resources, Artificial Intelligence, Impact & Innovation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact civic outcomes—the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behavior that promote social cohesion and enable a thriving democracy. The attached chart provides a few high-level examples in each of these areas, along with potential effects as a result of expanding general AI technology.

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An Equitable Approach to Strengthening Civic Education
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
An exploration of the crossroads of civic education and educational equity in the interest of promoting more honest, inclusive, and effective approaches to solving civic learning problems.

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Assessing Civic Competency and Engagement in Higher Education
All Resources, Impact & Innovation
Research background, frameworks, and directions for next-generation assessment.

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Building Blocks for Learning
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
A framework from comprehensive student development in regards to how they acquire the skills and mindsets for learning, which skills need to be built in children for school success, can they be taught, and how growing up with adversity impact the acquisition of these critical skills.

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Civic and Political Knowledge and Skills
All Resources, Impact & Innovation
Evidence about political knowledge and skills and their value

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Civic Education: What Schools Can Do to Encourage Civic Identity and Action
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
A discussion of the timeliness of civic education for American youth, the history of calls for civic education, the state of civic education in schools, those serving youth in disadvantaged contexts, and the ways schools can better address the civic learning needs of today’s youth.

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CivxNow Civic and Political Behaviors research summary
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
Political and civic behaviors encompass a wide range of actions. They include engagement in deliberative discussions, volunteering, and attending public meetings, and other activities related to civic life. Civic action and behaviors are an important and necessary dimension for holistic and comprehensive civic learning.

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CivxNow Civic Dispositions and Values research summary
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
Whether intentionally or not, schools and other educational settings and programs develop character traits, dispositions, virtues, and values. These qualities lay the foundation for the health of democracy and civil society. Civic dispositions and values are an important and necessary dimension for holistic and comprehensive civic learning.

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CivxNow Civic Knowledge and Skills research summary
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
Civic knowledge starts with an understanding of the structure of government and the processes of lawmaking and policy-making, but a broader, deeper knowledge of history, politics, economics, and other disciplines is necessary to comprehend the wide range of issues that citizens face. Civic knowledge and skills are an important and necessary dimension for holistic and comprehensive civic learning.

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CivxNow Civic Learning Impact and Measurement Convening report
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
Key takeaways from the January 2019 Civic Learning Impact and Measurement Convening and concrete next steps for the civic education field to explore to deepen move civic learning and its impact.

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College, Career & Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, Policy, State of Civics & Our Republic
Guidance for enhancing the rigors of K-12 civics, economics, geography, and history.

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Democracy for Some
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation, State of Civics & Our Republic
Findings on civic opportunity gap in high school and recommendations for ways policymakers and educators can address it.. How student’s race and academic track, and a school’s average socioeconomic status determines the availability of school-based civic learning opportunities that promote voting and broader forms of civic engagement.

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Digital Engagement
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
The importance of innovation and digital and interactive learning for teaching civics in a relevant and engaging way for 21st century learners.

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Equity in Civic Education White Paper
All Resources, Equity, Featured, Impact & Innovation
A team of 20 researchers, educators, and civic education practitioners released this white paper that outlines the challenges civic education has faced reaching youth of color. It provides suggestions for how to make civic education more equitable and relevant for today’s increasingly diverse student population.

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Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation, State of Civics & Our Republic
Effective 21st century civic learning is incumbent upon media literacy skills with more than 80% of middle schoolers studied unable to differentiate between a real news story and an advertisement.

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Fault Lines in Our Democracy
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, State of Civics & Our Republic
A look at civic knowledge, voting behavior, and civic engagement in the United States and how high schools can play a positive role by boosting graduation rates, increasing knowledge of civic issues, expanding opportunities for students to participate in civic activities, and encourage voter registration.

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Florida Success Story (case study)
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
A look at how Florida has led the way in reinvigorating and reinvesting in quality civic learning through the Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Education Act or 2010.

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Illinois Civic Blueprint
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, Policy
Resources for high schools to implement promising approaches to civic learning and engagement.

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Implementation in Illinois
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation, Policy
A case study on how Illinois effectively implemented civic education legislation and support for educators, utilizes public-private funding, and the outcomes of the implementation and investments.

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Improving School Achievement Through Civic Life: a CivxNow documentary
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation
A look at how Chicago’s George Washington High School raised its achievement from an Illinois Priority School to a Level 1 ranking through an emphasis on civic learning across the school.

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Let’s Go There
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
A case for race, ethnicity, and a lived civics approach to civic education.

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No Excuses
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, Policy
A look at 11 schools and districts that make preparing students for citizenship a priority and guide for how other communities can replicate their success.

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Revitalizing K-12 Civic Learning in California
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, Policy
A blueprint for action to reinvigorate civic education.

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Teaching Civics in a Time of Partisan Polarization
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, State of Civics & Our Republic
Every generation must be deliberately educated how to be active and responsible citizens, but the challenges differ as the context evolves, and today’s students and teachers of civics face special barriers as well as unusual opportunities when it comes to learning and teaching civics in our polarized times.

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The California Democracy School Civic Learning Initiative
All Resources, Impact & Innovation, Policy
A blueprint for institutionalizing civic learning to prepare all students for civic life in the 21st century.

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The Massachusetts Model
All Resources, Featured, Impact & Innovation, Policy
A case study on how Massachusetts made policy progress and what states can learn from the passage of An Act to promote and enhance civic engagement.

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There’s Still Not Justice
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
Qualitative research regarding youth civic identity development amid distinct school and community contexts.

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Urban Youth and the Counter-Narration of Inequality
All Resources, Equity, Impact & Innovation
Critical media literacy pedagogy that empowers urban youth to deconstruct dominant media narratives, develop much-needed academic and critical literacies, and create their own counter-narratives to the media’s largely negative depictions of urban youth and their communities can positively impact the development of critical civic literacy, civic awareness, and civic participation among urban youth.