CivxNow Federal Policy Agenda

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This is the moment to rebuild the nation’s civic strength. We need to invest in civic education. The CivxNow federal policy agenda stipulates that change at the local level, linked to commitment to equity, is the key lever for better civic education, and that the federal government can activate and support this change by using our eight recommendations to restore civic education for civic strength.

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CivxNow State Policy Menu

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The CivxNow Coalition unites the civic learning community in a nationwide movement to improve and strengthen state-level policies and practices in civic education. To strengthen the quality of K–12 civic education, the CivxNow Coalition urges state and local education policymakers to focus on the policy goals in our State Policy Menu.

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CivxNow Policy Menu one-pager

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A guide to the CivxNow Policy Menu of recommendations for advocates, educators, and policymakers.

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College, Career & Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards

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Guidance for enhancing the rigors of K-12 civics, economics, geography, and history.

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Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools

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Investing in civic learning has real world outcomes that strengthen American democracy.

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Illinois Civic Blueprint

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Resources for high schools to implement promising approaches to civic learning and engagement.

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Implementation in Illinois

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A case study on how Illinois effectively implemented civic education legislation and support for educators, utilizes public-private funding, and the outcomes of the implementation and investments.

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No Excuses

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A look at 11 schools and districts that make preparing students for citizenship a priority and guide for how other communities can replicate their success.

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Renewing the Social Compact

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A report of the Massachusetts Special Commission on CivicEngagement and Learning regarding the status of civic engagement and learning in the Commonwealth and recommendations for improvement.

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Revitalizing K-12 Civic Learning in California

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A blueprint for action to reinvigorate civic education.

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