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CivxNow State Policy Menu

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We’re excited to introduce a revamped State Policy Menu designed to streamline policymakers’ access to K–12 civic education policy recommendations. This new concise format allows for quick comprehension of complex policy issues, making it easier to capture lawmakers’ attention and spark meaningful dialogue.

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CivxNow Partner Election Resources

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Many of our CivxNow partners are working overtime to empower teachers to make the most of this election as a teachable moment. Check out some of their resources here!

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Back to School Resources 2024

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Welcome to our back-to-school resource showcase, where our CivxNow partners have come together under the guidance of the Center for Civic Education to offer a special collection of educational tools and programs. This collaborative effort celebrates the beginning of the school year and emphasizes the importance of civic learning.

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Civic Learning Opportunities – Research Summary

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This summary synthesizes research in the field of civic education focused on access to civic learning opportunities in K-12 schools and the kinds of outcomes that result when young people have these experiences such as an increase in civic knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behaviors.

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Uncharted Waters: Education, Democracy, and Social Cohesion in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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This report was created as a product of members of the CivxNow and Listen First coalitions. These insights should be interpreted as a general collective consensus of our learning, not the individual views of a person nor the stance of their organization.

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Civic Learning, Civility, and Technology

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For artificial intelligence (AI) to evolve ways that support knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behaviors that advance social cohesion and strengthen our constitutional democracy, we suggest that policy and practice investments be evaluated on their success at positively affecting the following teaching and learning lenses.

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Civic Outcomes in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact civic outcomes—the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behavior that promote social cohesion and enable a thriving democracy. The attached chart provides a few high-level examples in each of these areas, along with potential effects as a result of expanding general AI technology.

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AI and Civic Learning One-Pager

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As Congress grapples with the federal government’s policies towards artificial intelligence (AI), we must invest in teachers’ capacity to develop students’ media literacy skills across the curriculum.

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CivxNow State Policy Wins

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In order to achieve our goals, CivxNow advocates for bipartisan federal and state legislation that support implementation of state and local policies that reimagine and deliver relevant, inclusive, and engaging K-12 civic learning, both in- and out-of-school. Our coalition champions research-based policies that have attracted bipartisan support across red, blue, and purple states alike. 

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National Poll Measuring Support for Civics Among Likely 2022 Election Voters

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Key findings include: emphasizing civics and providing it more funding is a winning issue across the political spectrum; civic education is viewed as important by consensus majorities across the three samples (overall voters, GOP primary voters, and K–12 parents); and the Civics Secures Democracy (CSD) Act has solid support from all types of voters.

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