Teachers Advancing Civic Learning

educator in hallway with students in background

Teachers Advancing Civic Learning (TACL) is a grassroots network of educators trained and empowered to advance and strengthen civic learning through policy at the local, state, and national levels.

Educators continue to be our nation’s most trusted messengers, and can speak first-hand to what’s needed in the classroom and for students. With your stories, partnership, and voices, we can unite to elevate civic learning and strengthen our nation for generations to come. 

Upcoming Professional Development: Make the Case for Civics in Your Building

April 30, 2025

A new school year brings new opportunities to center your work elevating teaching and learning around democracy in your school and department. This centering isn’t just decided in the halls of the U.S. Capitol or your state capital–it can happen in your school.

Join Annalee Good and May Hara, authors of Teachers at the Table: Voice, Agency and Advocacy in Educational Policymaking and Teachers as Policy Advocates: Strategies for Collaboration and Change, as they share experiences of how they’ve made their best argument to their school principal, department heads, and other school-based decision makers.

Why Join?

  • Form deeper relationships with peers, network with those at other schools, and hear from colleagues who have been successful in advocating for civic and history learning.
  • Build skills and leverage resources for engaging decision makers at the local, state, and national levels through synchronous and asynchronous trainings, seminars, and modules.
  • Work directly with leading organizations in the civic learning field.
  • Be part of the larger movement to advance civic education.
  • Model civic behavior for your students.

Ways We Support You

  • Providing access to free tools and resources;
  • Offering a set of trainings to help you feel comfortable in advancing high-quality civic learning through policy at the local, state, and national levels;
  • Connecting you with peer and organizations working toward the same goal; and
  • Informing you of emerging policy opportunities.

TACL Partner Organizations