As 2022 comes to a close, we have much to be grateful for in the civic learning community.
Thanks to the leadership of Coalition Engagement Director Ace Parsi, the CivxNow Coalition has grown exponentially since its inception four years ago, boasting 260+ organizational members representative of the country’s geographic and ideological diversity. This year, we launched affinity groups to provide ongoing authentic engagement opportunities for members across a range of activities. Next year’s first national Civic Learning Week in March exemplifies the diverse ways that members are making the case for strengthened civic learning opportunities across the country.
Despite fierce headwinds, state coalition affiliates achieved significant policy successes over the past two years. With State Policy Director Lisa Boudreau now on board to support state efforts more directly, we are poised for even further progress in the 2023 state legislative sessions. (Please note the fast approaching deadline for the third consecutive grant opportunity for state affiliates to propel coalition building and policy advocacy efforts.)
Finally, we salute members across states and congressional districts that helped make the case for the federal Civics Secures Democracy Act throughout the 117th Congress. Thanks to the relentless efforts of Federal Policy Manager Abbie Kaplan, we conducted hundreds of constituent meetings and contacts, building strong bipartisan support for a generational national investment in K–12 civic education.
This collective work begins anew as the calendar turns to 2023. On behalf of the entire CivxNow team, it is our distinct privilege to do this work every day with each of you to ensure students have equitable access to high-quality civic learning opportunities. We are grateful to be in community with you, wish your loved ones a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to strengthening our partnership in 2023!