Teacher Advocacy Project Promises to Do Civics for Civics

CivxNow works year-round to strengthen K–12 civic education policies at the local, state, and federal levels. We do this in partnership with our 315+ member organizations and the many stakeholders they represent and embody, frontline civic educators most prominently. Educators are our most effective advocates because they are experts at the craft and teach in every state and legislative district in the country.

In meetings with congressional and state legislative offices, educators present firsthand accounts of their experiences teaching civics in a polarized political environment where the subject is too often marginalized. Moreover, they point to the potential benefits of strengthened policies, including improved classroom resources, access to ongoing professional development opportunities, and engaging student programs.

In this vein, CivxNow is proud to announce its Teacher Advocacy Project (TAP). With the leadership of over 25 participating member organizations, we are recruiting interested educators and developing training modules and materials to assist with eventual advocacy. Through TAP, participants will form peer relationships, access specialized toolkits, join leading organizations in the civic learning field, feel empowered to press for positive change, and model civic behaviors for students and the surrounding community. Know an educator who would like to be involved?

For those attending the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference in Nashville this weekend, Shawn Healy and Lisa Boudreau of iCivics will be leading a session on Saturday, December 2 at 3:30 p.m. ET titled “Doing Civics for Civics: Social Studies Teachers on the Frontlines Advancing Stronger Civic Education.” During this session, participants will:

  • Get the latest information on the federal push to maintain funding for civic and history education for Fiscal Year 2024 and more ambitious efforts to prioritize and strengthen K–12 civic education through generational national investments;
  •  Examine case studies of successful state efforts to strengthen civics, exploring how these efforts can be emulated closer to home, including concrete legislative opportunities for spring 2024 state legislative sessions; and
  • Emerge empowered to tell stories of effective practice at the classroom level and the link to stronger state and federal policies in ensuring the strength of our constitutional democracy for future generations.

If we miss you in Nashville, rest assured that this is the first of many opportunities, virtual and in person, to participate in TAP and “do civics for civics.” In February, we will host virtual training sessions in advance of Civic Learning Week (March 11–15, 2024), when a series of actions will commence as we make the case for civics to sustain and strengthen our constitutional democracy. “Get TAPped” into the effort by signing up on our advocate form and use this marketing kit to promote the effort with your networks. 

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