LIVE STREAM: Civics Education as a National Security Priority

Monday, January 24th, 2022 | 12:00 PM PST/ 3:00 PM EST

Hosted by: The Commonwealth Club of California

With deep political divides dominating America’s civic culture and affecting how the U.S. is viewed abroad, civics education is increasingly being seen as a national security issue. Improving K-12 students’ understanding of America’s civic structures—from the Constitution to voting, to clarity about our national security institutions and how they operate within the rule of law—is being seen by national leaders as a way to strengthen the role of the U.S in the world, and to protect the country’s national interests.  Similar to the push for STEM education funding to address America’s global role in science and technology, many officials now support expanded funding for civics and history education as a way to improve student learning about their civic responsibilities in our participatory democracy.




  • Suzanne Spaulding, Senior Adviser, Homeland Security, International Security Program
  • Millie Solomon, President, The Hasting Center
  • Shawn Healy, Senior Director, Policy and Advocacy, iCivics

The program is part of the Commonwealth Club’s Creating Citizens initiative.

This is an online-only program; pre-register to receive a link to the live-stream video.